Further renewal of mathru.net with AstroJS Notion - mathru.net | 使用Flutter/Unity进行应用开发/音乐及视频制作/素材分发

Further renewal of mathru.net with AstroJS Notion

Previously, I switched to CMS using Notion as an editor with

Cloudflare (Worker) + Notion + Fruition

on this page, but SEO seems to be incompatible. It has evolved further.

Offers app development and apps using Flutter and Unity. Includes information on music and videos created by the company. Distribution of images and video materials. We also accept orders for work.

After researching various things,

I found this and rewrote astro-notion-blog below for my own use to enable multilingual support, category support, responsive design, dedicated pages such as terms of use and privacy policy.

🚀 Begin building your very own Notion Blog with Astro. - otoyo/astro-notion-blog
Astro builds fast content sites, powerful web applications, dynamic server APIs, and everything in-between.

Finally, mathru.net is constructed with

Cloudflare (Pages, Rules) + AstroJS + Notion

Compared to when it was

GCPAppEngine + CloudSQL + PHP + Wordpress


  • ¥ 5000 per month → ¥ 0
  • Ultra-fast display due to static page generation
  • Comfortable writing with Notion
  • Translation and automatic article creation with NotionAI

It's simply amazing!

[Flutter] Masamune Universal UI

Development Flutter Dart pub Masamune

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Coconara Professional Certified Engineer iOS/Android/Web apps will be created.

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