[AI×Fortune] NANSURU - mathru.net | App Development with Flutter, Unity/Music and Video Production/Material Distribution

[AI×Fortune] NANSURU

[AI×Fortune] NANSURU - AI-Powered Fortune Advisor

AI navigates your life based on hourly fortune readings.


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The future where AI navigates your life is just around the corner.

“NANSURU” takes the first step by using “fortune-telling” data to help AI support your life.

It records detailed fortune data every hour through fortune-telling, and AI suggests optimal actions for you based on this fortune data.

By analyzing fortune-telling data on an hourly basis, it supports your daily life through detailed biorhythm changes.

■ Today's NANSURU (Free)

Through fortune-telling, AI analyzes your hourly biorhythms for love, interpersonal relationships, work/study, money, and health/beauty, providing comprehensive behavioral advice.

By organizing your schedule according to your fortune, you can lead a smoother daily life.

Following AI's suggested guidelines allows you to maximize your lucky periods.

■ Future NANSURU (Future Plan subscribers)

You can preview your fortune up to 30 days in advance.

While monitoring daily fortunes, you can make medium to long-term plans, enabling more effective life planning.

■ Tell me, NANSURU (Future Plan subscribers)

AI provides advice based on fortune data in response to your questions and concerns.

By analyzing fortune data up to 30 days into the future, you can consult about specific dates, timing, and more.

AI suggests optimal dates for important decisions like "the best timing for confessing your feelings" and "suitable days for major purchases." You can also engage in dialogue with AI based on these suggestions.

AI's behavioral guidelines and fortune-based suggestions make your daily decision-making more reliable.

The in-app AI comprehensively analyzes fortune data and presents the most suitable options for each moment. In this way, NANSURU combines the power of fortune-telling and AI to support your life's important decisions.

* This app provides behavioral guidelines to maximize your fortune based on fortune-telling and does not guarantee success.

* Please note that the operators cannot assume any responsibility for any disadvantages that may arise from the use of this app.

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AI navigates your life based on hourly fortune readings


Coming soon

[Information] The album "KANIMISO A2K" will be available on subscriptions.

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