[Flutter] Masamune Framework - mathru.net | App Development with Flutter, Unity/Music and Video Production/Material Distribution

[Flutter] Masamune Framework

Hello. My name is Masaru Hirose.

I have put together the previous packages to create an integrated Flutter framework.

The concept is

Framework that enables the development of high quality applications safely and quickly using automatic generation.

I’ve put together some instructions on how to use it, so if you’re interested, go ahead and give it a try!


An application development framework centered on automatic code generation using build_runner.
Building system for masamune framework. Automatic creation of models, themes, pages, and translation data.


Please see here first.

  • Sample code for the video is available here.

Here is a video of a notepad application being completed in just 5 minutes from a completely empty state.

By using the Masamune framework, it is possible to reduce most of the coding that is done in application development.

This framework focuses on the following functions

  • Generation of code templates by CLI (command line interface) tools
  • Automatic generation of additional code by build_runner

In other words, by having the majority of the code generated mechanically, the human coding part is reduced as much as possible.

In addition, the human coding part is almost type-safe, allowing implementation without hesitation with the support of the IDE's suggestion function and other features.

The following benefits can be enjoyed by offering these features

  • Faster implementation
    • Faster implementation because fewer parts are actually coded.
  • Fewer coding errors
    • Since fewer parts are actually coded, the probability of making a mistake is also reduced by that amount.
  • Easier to follow the source code
    • It is easier to follow the source later after some time has passed because there is less actual coding to do.
  • Differences in codes between people are difficult to distinguish
    • Coding is done according to the generated template, so it is difficult to have different codes for different people.
  • Facilitates team development
    • Since it is difficult to differentiate codes among people, it is easier to check codes and assign personnel within the team.

In addition, this framework provides the following functions to support application development from many angles

  • Routing
    • Web URL support, conditional redirection, and nested navigation are also available.
  • Database
    • NoSQL database based on Firestore structure.
    • Local and Firestore can be easily switched by switching adapters.
  • State management
  • Translation
    • Translation management using Google Spreadsheets.
  • Theme management
    • You can define the colors and text of the theme.
    • Image and font files can be retrieved type-safe in code.
  • Shared preferences
    • A data store using SharedPreferences is available in addition to the databases listed above.
  • Form building
    • Support data input from users, mainly forms, from the UI level.
  • UI support
    • It provides functions to implement list widgets and simple modals that can update widgets with less load when data is updated.
  • Firebase/Firestore support
    • Provides functionality to easily switch between Firebase features such as Authentication, Cloud Firestore, Cloud Storage, and Firebase DataConnect.

By using this framework, for example, a simple CRUD application requires only the following parts to be implemented.

  • DataScheme
    • Only the type and variable name (and possibly the initial value) need be defined.
  • View
    • Build the application design with widgets. (Support is provided for some elements, such as forms.)
    • Data binding, for example, can be easily performed.


Install the CLI with the following command.

flutter pub global activate katana_cli

To install Masamune Framework in an existing project, add the package with the following command.

build_runner, freezed, and json_serializable must also be installed.

flutter pub add masamune
flutter pub add json_annotation
flutter pub add freezed_annotation
flutter pub add --dev build_runner
flutter pub add --dev masamune_builder
flutter pub add --dev json_serializable
flutter pub add --dev freezed

Project Creation

Execute the following command in the folder where the project was created.

The Application ID should include the ID in the reverse domain (com.test.myapplication).

katana create [Application ID(e.g. com.test.myapplication)]

Basically, it is the same as flutter create, but the following changes are made automatically.

  • You can automatically place image files under the assets folder.
  • katana.yaml will be placed.
  • Required packages are installed automatically.
  • The launcher settings for VSCode are automatically set.
  • main.dart is rewritten and code generation is performed by build_runner.

Code Change Monitoring

It uses build_runner's monitoring function to detect changes in the target code and automatically generates the code immediately if any changes are made.

The code analysis of build_runner itself is very slow, so the developer experience would be much better if it were constantly monitored.

To monitor the code, execute the following command in a separate terminal.

katana code watch

When the command is typed, it enters the monitoring state and is left alone.

(If you do not do this, you will not be able to type the code template creation command described below, so please start it in a different terminal.)

If code monitoring is not performed, enter the following command as appropriate.

katana code generate



Create Page

To create a screen (page) for the application, execute the following command.

katana code page [Page name]

A file named (Page name).dart will be created under lib/pages.

A class named (Page name)Page is created as follows

Describe the contents of the screen UI inside the build, just as you would with a StatelessWidget or a StatefulWidget.

// test.dart

// ignore: unused_import, unnecessary_import
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// ignore: unused_import, unnecessary_import
import 'package:masamune/masamune.dart';
// ignore: unused_import, unnecessary_import
import 'package:masamune_universal_ui/masamune_universal_ui.dart';

// ignore: unused_import, unnecessary_import
import '/main.dart';

part 'test.page.dart';

// TODO: Set the path for the page.
class TestPage extends PageScopedWidget {
  const TestPage({
    // TODO: Set parameters for the page.

  // TODO: Set parameters for the page in the form [final String xxx].
  /// Used to transition to the TestPage screen.
  /// ```dart
  /// router.push(TestPage.query(parameters));    // Push page to TestPage.
  /// router.replace(TestPage.query(parameters)); // Replace page to TestPage.
  /// ```
  static const query = _$TestPageQuery();

  Widget build(BuildContext context, PageRef ref) {
    // Describes the process of loading
    // and defining variables required for the page.
    // TODO: Implement the variable loading process.

    // Describes the structure of the page.
    // TODO: Implement the view.
    return UniversalScaffold();

You can specify the deep link path by specifying the path in @PagePath("").


If the page requires an argument, simply add the parameter as follows.

const TestPage({
  // TODO: Set parameters for the page.
  required this.name,

// TODO: Set parameters for the page in the form [final String xxx].
final String name;
final String? text;


Page Transition

Page transitions are performed using the router defined in main.dart.

You can specify a query already described in the created class to transition to that page.

// Transition to TestPage

// Page Replacements

// Back to Previous Page

Initial Page Setup

You can set the page when the application is launched by passing the query you want to set for the initial page to the initialQuery defined in main.dart.

/// Initial page query.
// TODO: Define the initial page query of the application.
final initialQuery = TestPage.query();

To learn more about the other features listed below, please visit the package details page.

  • How to specify AppRouter
  • Deep linking support
  • Nest Navigation

A package to automatically create routing configurations with build_runner to enable type-safe routing.

Data model

Data structure

The Masamune framework can store data with reference to the Firestore data structure.

A package that models data into documents and collections and allows Firestore, local DB, and data mocks to be handled in the same interface.

Collection (Document) model creation

To create a collection model, enter the following command

katana code collection [Collection name]

A file named (Collection name).dart will be created under lib/models.

A class named (Collection name)Model is created as follows

If a collection model is created with the above command, a document model will also be available with the same data scheme.

// test.dart

// ignore: unused_import, unnecessary_import
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// ignore: unused_import, unnecessary_import
import 'package:masamune/masamune.dart';

// ignore: unused_import, unnecessary_import
import '/main.dart';

import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';

part 'test.m.dart';
part 'test.g.dart';
part 'test.freezed.dart';

/// Value for model.
// TODO: Set the path for the collection.
abstract class TestModel with _$TestModel {
  const factory TestModel({
     // TODO: Set the data schema.
  }) = _TestModel;
  const TestModel._();

  factory TestModel.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => _$TestModelFromJson(json);

  /// Query for document.
  /// ```dart
  /// appRef.model(TestModel.document(id));       // Get the document.
  /// ref.app.model(TestModel.document(id))..load();  // Load the document.
  /// ```
  static const document = _$TestModelDocumentQuery();

  /// Query for collection.
  /// ```dart
  /// appRef.model(TestModel.collection());       // Get the collection.
  /// ref.app.model(TestModel.collection())..load();  // Load the collection.
  /// ref.app.model(
  ///   TestModel.collection().data.equal(
  ///     "data",
  ///   )
  /// )..load(); // Load the collection with filter.
  /// ```
  static const collection = _$TestModelCollectionQuery();

  /// Query for form value.
  /// ```dart
  /// ref.app.form(TestModel.form(LogModel()));    // Get the form controller in app scope.
  /// ref.page.form(TestModel.form(LogModel()));    // Get the form controller in page scope.
  /// ```
  static const form = _$TestModelFormQuery();

/// [Enum] of the name of the value defined in TestModel.
typedef TestModelKeys = _$TestModelKeys;

/// Alias for ModelRef<TestModel>.
/// When defining parameters for other Models, you can define them as follows
/// ```dart
/// @RefParam(TestModelDocument) TestModelRef test
/// ```
typedef TestModelRef = ModelRef<TestModel>?;

/// It can be defined as an empty ModelRef<TestModel>.
/// ```dart
/// TestModelRefPath("xxx") // Define as a path.
/// ```
typedef TestModelRefPath = _$TestModelRefPath;

/// Class for defining initial values to be passed to `initialValue` of [RuntimeModelAdapter].
/// ```dart
/// RuntimeModelAdapter(
///   initialValue: [
///     TestModelInitialCollection(
///       "xxx": TestModel(...),
///     ),
///   ],
/// );
/// ```
typedef TestModelInitialCollection = _$TestModelInitialCollection;

/// Document class for storing TestModel.
typedef TestModelDocument = _$TestModelDocument;

/// Collection class for storing TestModel.
typedef TestModelCollection = _$TestModelCollection;

/// It can be defined as an empty ModelRef<TestModel>.
/// ```dart
/// TestModelMirrorRefPath("xxx") // Define as a path.
/// ```
typedef TestModelMirrorRefPath = _$TestModelMirrorRefPath;

/// Class for defining initial values to be passed to `initialValue` of [RuntimeModelAdapter].
/// ```dart
/// RuntimeModelAdapter(
///   initialValue: [
///     TestModelMirrorInitialCollection(
///       "xxx": TestModel(...),
///     ),
///   ],
/// );
/// ```
typedef TestModelMirrorInitialCollection = _$TestModelMirrorInitialCollection;

/// Document class for storing TestModel.
typedef TestModelMirrorDocument = _$TestModelMirrorDocument;

/// Collection class for storing TestModel.
typedef TestModelMirrorCollection = _$TestModelMirrorCollection;

If you do not need a collection, but only a document model, you can create one with the following command.

katana code document [Document name]

Specify the data path by specifying the contents of @CollectionModelPath("") (@DocumentModelPath("")).

As with Firestore, there are restrictions on path hierarchy.

(Odd: collection, Even: document)


Also, list the variables that will be the data scheme in the factory constructor.

This is the content of the data that can be handled in this collection (document).

const factory TestModel({
   // TODO: Set the data schema.
   required String name,
   String? test,
}) = _TestModel;

Using Model

The created model can be handled by using ref.app.model from PageRef (WidgetRef) passed in the build method if it is within a page or widget created with ScopedWidget or Scoped.

The actual object can be obtained by passing a collection or document defined in the model created in ref.app.model.

Data can also be loaded from the database by executing the load method of the retrieved object.

When loading is complete or data is rewritten, the widget that executed ref.app.model is rebuilt.

Widget build(BuildContext context, PageRef ref) {
  // Describes the process of loading
  // and defining variables required for the page.
  // TODO: Implement the variable loading process.
  final testModelCollection = ref.app.model(TestModel.collection()); // Obtain a collection of TestModel.
  testModelCollection.load();  // Load model data


Also, if you want to use it outside of a page or widget, you can use it in an appRef defined in main.dart.

final testModelCollection = appRef.model(TestModel.collection());

SharedPreferences feature

If you want to store data locally, such as SharedPreferences, separately from the regular DB, you can do so by using a ModelAdapter.

For more information, please see below.

Hello. I’m Masaru Hirose.

Use of Google Spreadsheets as a data source

Google Spreadsheets can be used as a CSV data source.

Please use this for cases such as when you ask customers to set up data, etc. since non-engineers will be touching it.

Google Spreadsheets will be made available in advance.

  1. Copy the spreadsheet from this template to your own Google Drive.
    • If you use CollectionModelPath, use the sheet for collections; if you use DocumentModelPath, use the sheet for documents.
    • You can copy from File -> Create Copy.
  2. In the copied spreadsheet, click File -> Share -> Share with others.
  3. In the Share (name of spreadsheet you created) window, change General Access to Everyone who knows the link.
  4. Add the "GoogleSpreadSheetDataSource" annotation as an addition to the class you created, and copy the URL as it appears in the browser (e.g., https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bfNX8clPH9 PFOcfFIStNCGNGjeCKwGv-24iChSJn8yM/edit#gid=0) and copy it.
    /// Value for model.
      version: 1,
    // TODO: Set the path for the collection.
    abstract class TestModel with _$TestModel {
      const factory TestModel({
         // TODO: Set the data schema.
      }) = _TestModel;
      const TestModel._();

To learn more about the other features listed below, please visit the package details page.

  • Editing and Deleting data
  • Specifying a filter query for data
  • Sort function for collections
  • Text search
  • Specify and retrieve relational data
  • Transaction and batch processing
  • Special Field Values

A package that models data into documents and collections and allows Firestore, local DB, and data mocks to be handled in the same interface.


Create a controller when you want to use a controller already provided by Flutter, such as ScrollController or TextEditingController, in a page or widget, or when you want to make minor adjustments such as bundling data models.

katana code controller [Controller name]

A file named (Page name).dart will be created under lib/controllers.

A class named (Page name)Controller is created as follows.

// test.dart

// ignore: unused_import, unnecessary_import
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// ignore: unused_import, unnecessary_import
import 'package:masamune/masamune.dart';

// ignore: unused_import, unnecessary_import
import '/main.dart';

part 'test.m.dart';

/// Controller.
@Controller(autoDisposeWhenUnreferenced: false)
class TestController extends ChangeNotifier {
    // TODO: Define some arguments.

  // TODO: Define fields and processes.
  /// Query for TestController.
  /// ```dart
  /// appRef.controller(TestController.query(parameters));     // Get from application scope.
  /// ref.app.controller(TestController.query(parameters));    // Watch at application scope.
  /// ref.page.controller(TestController.query(parameters));   // Watch at page scope.
  /// ```
  static const query = _$TestControllerQuery();

When using PageRef (WidgetRef), you can obtain the actual object by passing query to ref.(page/app).controller().

For ref.app.controller, it is managed across multiple pages, while ref.page.controller is managed only within that specific page.

When defined in ref.app.controller, the controller basically won't be destroyed until the application is terminated.

When defined in ref.page.controller, the controller will be destroyed when that page is destroyed.

Widget build(BuildContext context, PageRef ref) {
  // Describes the process of loading
  // and defining variables required for the page.
  // TODO: Implement the variable loading process.
  final testController = ref.page.controller(TestController.query()); // Obtain TestController.   


Internally, it inherits from ChangeNotifier, so when notifyLisnteners() is executed, the loaded widget is rebuilt.

It can also be used from outside the widget using appRef.

In the case of appRef, it is managed across pages. (Same as ref.app.controller)

final testController = appRef.controller(TestController.query());

State management

Basically, I think the above ref.model and ref.(page/app).controller can cover most of the state management.

State management can also be extended, so please see the package details page for more information.

A state management package to allow for retention and management while specifying the scope of the state.


Translation will be done through a Google spreadsheet.

Please see below for preparation.

A multilingual package that automatically creates code that can retrieve data from Google spreadsheets and write type-safe code with method chaining.

To update the translation, AppLocalize is defined in main.dart, so update the version there.

  version: 1, // When updating, increment this version.
class AppLocalize extends _$AppLocalize {}

Acquisition of the translation text is done using the l object.


To learn more about the other features listed below, please visit the package details page.

  • Specifying Parameters
  • Change Translation Language

A multilingual package that automatically creates code that can retrieve data from Google spreadsheets and write type-safe code with method chaining.

Theme Management

Asset Definition

Edit pubspec.yaml with reference to the official site below so that the assets can be loaded in the application.

How to use images (and other assets) in your Flutter app.
// pubspec.yaml

    - assets/images/

Font Definition

Edit pubspec.yaml with reference to the official site below so that the fonts can be loaded in the application.

How to use custom fonts.
// pubspec.yaml

    - family: RobotoMono
        - asset: fonts/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf
        - asset: fonts/RobotoMono-Bold.ttf
          weight: 700

Color and Text Definition

By rewriting the following section of main.dart, it is possible to specify colors and text.

The following colors can be specified according to the Material Design color scheme.

Build beautiful, usable products faster. Material Design is an adaptable system—backed by open-source code—that helps teams build high quality digital experiences.

Text can also be specified according to the Typography of the material design.

Learn about Material Design typography. This guide covers everything from font styles and hierarchy to line height to create user-friendly text.
// main.dart

/// App Theme.
/// ```dart
/// theme.color.primary   // Primary color.
/// theme.text.bodyMedium // Medium body text style.
/// theme.asset.xxx       // xxx image.
/// theme.font.xxx        // xxx font.
/// ```
final theme = AppThemeData(
  // TODO: Set the design.
  primary: Colors.blue,
  secondary: Colors.cyan,
  onPrimary: Colors.white,
  onSecondary: Colors.white,

Using Themes

The following themes can be obtained by using the theme in main.dart.

  • color
    • ColorScheme defined when creating AppThemeData.
  • text
    • TypeScale defined when creating AppThemeData.
  • asset
    • Assets under the assets folder created in code generation.
  • font
    • FontFamily created by Code Generation.
Widget build(BuildContext context, PageRef ref) {
  // Describes the process of loading
  // and defining variables required for the page.
  // TODO: Implement the variable loading process.

  // Describes the structure of the page.
  // TODO: Implement the view.
  return UniversalScaffold(
    appBar: UniversalAppBar(title: Text("Title"), backgroundColor: theme.color.secondary),
    body: UniversalColumn(
      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
        Center(child: CircleAvatar(backgroundImage: theme.asset.userIcon.provider)),
        Text("User Name", style: theme.text.displayMedium)

To learn more about the other features listed below, please visit the package details page.

  • Theme Extension
  • Gradation
  • Conversion Methods

Base package for providing simple and straightforward theme definitions on Flutter.

Form Building

Retrieving Form Controllers

First, obtain a form controller to control and hold the form values.

When creating a form that targets a data model, such as editing profile data, use a form that is defined in an existing data model.

/// Query for form value.
/// ```dart
/// ref.app.form(TestModel.form(LogModel()));    // Get the form controller in app scope.
/// ref.page.form(TestModel.form(LogModel()));    // Get the form controller in page scope.
/// ```
static const form = _$TestModelFormQuery();

Like controllers, the form can be passed to both app scope (ref.app.form) and page scope (ref.page.form), but when doing so, you need to pass the original object (TestModel) as an argument.

When registering new data, simply create and pass a TestModel, and when editing existing data, pass the values read from the data model as they are.

// When creating new data
final memo = const MemoModel(title: "", text: "");
final formController = ref.page.form(MemoModel.form( memo ));

// When creating existing data
final memo = ref.app.model(MemoModel.document("Memo ID"))..load();
final formController = ref.page.form(MemoModel.form( memo ));

To create a form for data not defined in the data model, such as login, use the following command to create a data definition for the form.

katana code value [Value name]

The following file will be created in lib/models/(Value name).dart.

Internally, a class named (Value name)Value is created.

// login.dart

// ignore: unused_import, unnecessary_import
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// ignore: unused_import, unnecessary_import
import 'package:masamune/masamune.dart';

// ignore: unused_import, unnecessary_import
import '/main.dart';

import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';

part 'login.g.dart';
part 'login.m.dart';
part 'login.freezed.dart';

/// Immutable value.
abstract class LoginValue with _$LoginValue {
  const factory LoginValue({
    // TODO: Set the data schema.

  }) = _LoginValue;
  const LoginValue._();

  factory LoginValue.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) =>
  /// Query for form value.
  /// ```dart
  /// ref.app.form(LoginValue.form(LogModel()));    // Get the form controller in app scope.
  /// ref.page.form(LoginValue.form(LogModel()));    // Get the form controller in page scope.
  /// ```
  static const form = _$LoginValueFormQuery();

Please add the necessary data scheme in the factory method.

const factory LoginValue({
  // TODO: Set the data schema.
  required String email,
  required String password,
}) = _LoginValue;

To retrieve the form controller, use the form defined in this object for the same purpose.

final login = const LoginValue(email: "", password: "");
final formController = ref.app.form(LoginValue.form( login ));

Form drawing and validation/finalization

Pass the above form controller to the form parameter of each widget for the form.

In doing so, please write a process to rewrite the form value and return it with the target value passed to the onSaved parameter.

  form: formController,
  onSaved: (value) => formController.value.copyWith(email: value),

After writing the form widget while including the above process, the form values are validated and confirmed by executing formController.validate when the confirm button is pressed.

After the verification passes, use the returned value to save the data.

  onPressed: () async {
    final LoginValue loginValue = formController.validate(); // Validate and get form values
    if (loginValue == null) {
    try {
      // Normal processing
    } catch (e) {
      // Error handling

Please see the package details page for other details.

Package to provide FormController to define the use of forms and FormStyle to unify the look and feel of forms.

UI Support


The dialog can be displayed with the following code.

// Alert dialog.
  title: "Title",
  text: "Contents text",
  submitText: "OK",
  onSubmit: () {
    // Processing when the OK button is pressed

// Confirmation dialog.
  title: "Title",
  text: "Contents text",
  submitText: "Yes",
  cancelText: "No",
  onSubmit: () {
    // Processing when the Yes button is pressed
  onCancel: () {
    // Processing when the No button is pressed

Responsive layout

UniversalUI allows users to create UIs across platforms with different screen sizes and orientations, such as PC and mobile, without having to be aware of the differences.

Widget build(BuildContext context, PageRef ref) {
  return UniversalScaffold(
    breakpoint: Breakpoint.sm,
    sideBar: UniversalSideBar(
      decoration: const BoxDecoration(
        border: Border(right: BorderSide(color: Colors.grey)),
      children: [
        for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            tileColor: Colors.blue,
            title: Text((i + 1).toString()),
    appBar: UniversalSliverAppBar(
      title: const Text("UniversalViewPage"),
      subtitle: const Text("UniversalViewPage"),
      titlePosition: UniversalAppBarTitlePosition.bottom,
      background: UniversalAppBarBackground(theme.asset.image.provider),
    body: UniversalListView(
      onRefresh: () {
        return Future.delayed(1.s);
      padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 32),
      children: [
          children: [
            ...List.generate(100, (i) {
              return ListTile(
                tileColor: Colors.red,
                title: Text((i + 1).toString()),
            }).mapResponsive(sm: 6, md: 4),

For other details, please see the package details page.

A package that provides widgets for UI to facilitate design and implementation.

The package provide a universal UI that aims to be written in one code on any platform.


For user registration and authentication, use the appAuth object in main.dart.

User registration, login, and logout can be performed by executing various methods of appAuth.

// User registration
await appAuth.register(
    email: "[email protected]",
    password: "12345678",

// Login
await appAuth.signIn(
    email: "[email protected]",
    password: "12345678",

// Logout
await appAuth.signOut();

By default, these are only stored in the app's memory and will revert to their original state when the app is restarted.

If you wish to persist data, see Firebase/Firestore support below.

For other details, please see the package details page.

Base package to facilitate switching between Local and Firebase authentication implementations.

File storage

If you want to upload image files, etc., use the Storage object.

Use a file picker or similar tool to obtain the file path and byte data (UInt8List) of the file to be uploaded and pass them to the various methods.

final storage = Storage(const StorageQuery("test/file"));

final pickedData = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles();

By default, these are only stored in the app's memory and will revert to their original state when the app is restarted.

If you wish to persist data, see Firebase/Firestore support below.

For other details, please see the package details page.

Base package to facilitate switching between Local and Firebase storage implementations.

Firebase/Firestore support

As for the data model (database), authentication, and file storage, the default provides the ability to store only within the app, but it can be switched to target the device local or Firebase by replacing the adapter.

If you use the adapter for Firebase/Firestore, import the following packages in advance.

# If you want to use Firebase Authentication
flutter pub add katana_auth_firebase

# If you want to use Firestore
flutter pub add katana_model_firestore

# If you want to use Cloud Storage for Firebase
flutter pub add katana_storage_firebase

Also, please complete the initial Firebase setup using FlutterFire or similar.

flutterfire configure

To switch the data model (database), authentication, and file storage to Firestore, Firebase Authentication, or Cloud Storage for Firebase, respectively, the following adapters must be replaced with the corresponding ones.

/// App Model.
/// By replacing this with another adapter, the data storage location can be changed.
// TODO: Change the database.
// final modelAdapter = RuntimeModelAdapter();
final modelAdapter = FirestoreModelAdapter(options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform);

/// App Auth.
/// Changing to another adapter allows you to change to another authentication mechanism.
// TODO: Change the authentication.
// final authAdapter = RuntimeAuthAdapter();
final authAdapter = FirebaseAuthAdapter(options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform);

/// App Storage.
/// Changing to another adapter allows you to change to another storage mechanism.
// TODO: Change the storage.
// final storageAdapter = LocalStorageAdapter();
final storageAdapter = FirebaseStorageAdapter(options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform);

You can change to Firebase without worrying about other code, just change the adapter.

Other Functions

The Masamune framework provides other useful features.

Each is offered in a separate package, so please refer to that for details.

Provides shorthand notation

Flutter package to write Duration, EdgeInsets, etc. in short descriptions. Simple widgets are also provided.

Indicator display while waiting for Future

A package to make it easier to use Flutter’s indicators (especially when waiting for processing in Future).


I made it for my own use, but if you think it fits your implementation philosophy, by all means, use it!

Also, I releasing the source here, so issues and PullRequests are welcome!

I have posted an article where you can learn how to use the Masamune framework while actually building an application!

I do a variety of things, including creating mock data while creating apps, working with Firebase, and other plug-ins. Please take a look!

If you have any further work requests, please contact me directly through my Twitter or website!

Offers app development and apps using Flutter and Unity. Includes information on music and videos created by the company. Distribution of images and video materials. We also accept orders for work.

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Developed the katana/masamune framework, which has dramatically improved the overall efficiency of Flutter-based application development.