[Wordpress] mathru.net(Old version) - mathru.net | App Development with Flutter, Unity/Music and Video Production/Material Distribution

[Wordpress] mathru.net(Old version)

This is an old version of the current mathru.net (https://mathru.net).

About "mathru.net"

This is a homepage published for the purpose of recording and distributing my (mathru@Kanimiso-P) music-centered activities.

Introduced uploaded videos, sold music CDs, downloaded karaoke and released lyrics. Unlike today, it's almost a music website.

Technology that supported mathru.net (old version)

Mathru.net is still built using Wordpress at that time. I borrowed a rental server called CORESERVER and installed Wordpress there.

The theme is almost self-made. I created a theme from scratch using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Since smartphones were still in widespread use, they were not responsive, and rather created differently designed themes that could be viewed on mobile phones such as i-mode and ezweb.

As an internal plug-in, we used a shopping plug-in such as Woocommerce for the purpose of selling merchandise, and used a payment agent service such as Paypal and GMO Epsilon to accept orders for goods sales and deliver them on our own. I was there.


Currently, I purchase a theme created by another person and the server uses Google App Engine of Google Cloud Platform, but the experience (especially in terms of design) at this time is alive in BEMAGI, mUniSm etc. It is.

Unlike those days, it is now in the world where individuals can easily sell goods and provide paid distribution services. I wanted to be born in such an era.

[Social Rhythm Game] Beat & Magicians

Works Unity Vocaloid

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